AECyTA presentation

Historical background

Research groups from Spain working in different areas of Aerosol Science and Technology have been participated in the series of European and International Aerosol Conferences since many years. The group of Spanish researchers attending EAC-1997 in Hamburg decided to promote the organization of a conference of this series in Spain. The proposal was finally presented at EAC-2000 in Dublin where it was accepted by the European Aerosol Assembly. Thus, the European Aerosol Conference 2003 took place in Madrid (Spain) from August 31 to September 5. At that time the Spanish Association was not yet established and EAC-2003 was organized under the auspices of the Association for Aerosol Research (Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung e.V., GAeF) with the Organizing Committee chaired by Prof. Jose L. Castillo and Prof. Pedro L. Garcia-Ybarra (UNED, Madrid). EAC-2003 was a complete success with almost 660 Participants. The conference counted with 4 plenary lectures, 290 oral presentations (5 parallel sessions) and 492 poster presentations. This meeting enhanced the participation of Spanish groups in European Aerosol Conferences and thus EAC-2003 can be indeed considered as the germinal event for the Spanish Association.

Later on, the First Spanish Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology (Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnología, RECTA2003) took place in Madrid; on July 5-6, 2007 (the conference webpage is still available). This conference was organized with the aim of becoming the meeting place for Spanish groups active in the field of aerosol research, and also for other international groups interested in collaborating with Spanish researchers. Representative figures of the meeting were 81 participants, 19 oral presentations and 56 poster panels.

AECyTA Establishment

During this First National Meeting the participants reached the agreement of establishing the Spanish Association for Research on Aerosol Science and Technology (Asociación Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles – AECYTA) to provide support for R&D activities in the field of aerosols in Spain. The first Board of the Society had the following members

  • President: Prof. Jose L. Castillo, UNED, Madrid
  • Vice-President: Prof. Lucas Alados-Arboledas, Universidad de Granada
  • Secretary General: Prof. Cristina Gutiérrez-Cañas, Universidad del País Vasco
  • Board Members: Prof. Pedro L. García-Ybarra, UNED, Madrid
  • Prof. Ignacio G. Loscertales, Universidad de Málaga
  • Dr. Manuel Martín Espigares, CIEMAT, Madrid
  • Prof. Francisco J. Olmo-Reyes, Universidad de Granada

AECyTA Members

The Spanish Association is an independent scientific society committed to the support of research in the field of aerosol science which fulfils all the conditions for membership indicated in IARA Constitution (Point 9: Addition of Members). AECYTA was elected member of the European Aerosol Assembly in 2007, and applies now to become a member of the International Aerosol Research Assembly.

As of May 1st, 2014, AECYTA has 96 members: 57 researchers from Universities, 30 members from Research Centers and 9 from Industrial partners.

The number of Spanish researchers attending the European and International Aerosol Conferences has been continuously increasing during the last years, with an active participation at all levels (oral sessions, poster sessions, working groups). Moreover, several AECYTA members play an active role in different aerosol research activities. For instance:

  • Prof. Ignacio G. Loscertales and Jose L. Castillo are members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Aerosol Science.
  • GAeF Smoluchowski award has been granted to Spanish researches in two occasions, Alfonso M. Ganan-Calvo (1998) and Ignacio G Loscertales (2003).
  • Participation in European Aerosol Assembly Working Groups: Prof. Lucas Alados-Arboledas is Co-chair of the Atmospheric Aerosol WG. Formerly, Prof. Jose L. Castillo was Chair of the Aerosol Fundamentals WG and Prof. Cristina Gutierrez-Cañas was Chair of the Combustion Aerosols WG.

AECyTA Board